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The third stage - The Earth

The Earth stage considers the area from the tip of the nose down to the tip of the chin

It includes the groove of the upper lip, mouth, jaws, and chin... It indicates the chances of luck for a person between the ages of 51 and 75 years.

The Earth stage is the result of a person's work during his life.

People lead happy lives at advanced ages...usually

They have long, deep grooves, even lips of adequate thickness, corners of the mouth that do not turn downward, full chins and jaws. They have good relationships with children and are also obedient employees.

Reflecting people with narrow, narrow, clear, straight edges, oblique angles, cheekbones, a skinny chin, and edges...

They live an isolated life, and his family will not be by his side in the advanced stages, even if he does not need to worry about his face and his home. If he ends up in sadness and isolation after the age of 50....

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